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Our Topics: On a regular basis, we highlight a topical subject to enable you to understand and better assess the risks and opportunities of your cover. Insurance, mortgage, claims, financial planning, cyber-security… Fundamental topics of your daily life, take advantage of the opinions and advice from our experts.

Cyber-attacks: a risk underestimated by SMEs

While many small businesses and SMEs still think they are not a target for hackers, many statistics show today that they are more and more exposed to financial losses due to cyber-attacks.

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Individual 3A/3B pension plan, an essential complement!

Indeed, due to the increase in life expectancy, demographic ageing and the persistently low interest rates, the Swiss pension system is facing some serious challenges. Therefore, personal pension plans are becoming an essential complement.

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Occupational pension scheme: 2nd pillar / BVG (Occupational Pension Act). Which solutions?

The choice of a model of pension planning is important for an entrepreneur. This choice must be carefully considered, because the stakes are high. Indeed, it represents the security of the employees’ pension.

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